If you want to grow your business traffic online, you should consider creating a podcast. A podcast is an audio file that is distributed that can be downloaded and listened to on any computer or smart phone. It allows people who listen to learn about your business, as well as provide valuable information for them to use in their own lives.
Why should a business have a podcast?
For many businesses, podcasts are an effective way to reach a wider audience. Podcasts allow you to promote your business, increase sales and promote brand awareness. They can also help you gain customer loyalty and build trust with your customers. You’re able to stand out from the competition by offering something different or unique that no one else does because you have a podcast!
The best thing about starting a podcast is that it doesn’t cost much money at all! All you need is a microphone, software for recording your voice or video (Free version available), hosting for uploading files on the internet (Free version available). This makes it affordable for everyone who has something valuable to share with people around them whether they are experts in their field or just want advice on how they can improve themselves in various ways such as health/fitness related topics; cooking recipes etcetera…
Who is your audience?
When you’re producing a podcast, you’re going to want to think about your target audience. This is important because it will help you determine what content you create and how you present it.
You have to know who your customers are and what problems they have so that you can provide the solution for them. If people don’t see the value in listening to your podcast, then there’s no way they’ll continue listening once they start getting bored with what’s being said or feeling like there isn’t anything new being presented every episode (or even worse: every three episodes).
Do you have a personality and why?
You might think this is a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people think they have to be someone else or something other than themselves to get ahead. The fact of the matter is that your most important asset is your ability and willingness to be yourself.
There’s nothing better than being authentic and genuine when it comes to growing your businesses traffic with a podcast because people can smell insincerity a mile away! If you aren’t being true to who you are, then why should anyone listen?
What do you want your listeners to know about your business?
You have to have a solid understanding of what you do, why you do it and who you do it for.
For example:
If I’m selling a course on how to build an online business from scratch, then I need to explain the benefits of that course. Benefits like: no previous knowledge required, people can start today and build their own online business within 30 days etc…
Once you know what your message is going to be about then everything else will fall into place around it – title, description, and images that illustrate your point.
How can you provide value to your listeners?
To provide value to your listeners, you need to give them something they can use. This can be in the form of a solution, an answer, or a new perspective on something they are already familiar with.
For example:
- Give them a solution to a problem by providing useful information that helps them solve it.
- Answer their questions by giving them information about what they want to know more about. This can include everything from “how do I grow my business?” or “what should I do if my website suddenly goes down?” all the way down to “is this dress blue or green?”. You just have to look around at what people need help with and then provide answers!
The podcast must be fun, or it needs to help solve a problem for the audience. If it’s not fun, you won’t have an audience.
The answer is simple: A podcast is a great way to grow your business traffic online. The best way to start is by answering these questions:
- What does your podcast cover or how does it help solve a problem for the audience?
- Who are they?
- How many episodes do you want per month?
- How many minutes per episode will each one be?
- Do you want guests on any of these shows or just yourself talking alone in front of microphones (like Neil Patel and Alex Becker do in their podcasts)?
How long should a podcast be?
When it comes to the length of your podcast, you have a few options. Some people like to keep them short and sweet (i.e., under 10 minutes), while others prefer to go longer. It all depends on your goals for the podcast and what type of content you want to cover in each episode.
If you want to keep things short and sweet, then 5-10 minutes is a good target range for your episodes. If this sounds like too much time commitment, keep in mind that you can easily break up the podcast into multiple segments—for example: 5 minutes in one segment; 2 minutes in another; 3 minutes here…etc!
Another option is doing shorter episodes twice per week instead of one long episode per week or month. This can be helpful if someone doesn’t have as much time available but still wants new content coming out frequently.
A podcast must be fun or informational and cannot just be about you.
For a podcast to be successful, it has to be fun or informative. The first step is to make sure that you are not talking more than your guest. You may think that an interview format where you ask questions and then talk about yourself is a great way of establishing yourself as an expert in the field. However, this can backfire with listeners who want to hear about them. There are many different ways to structure your podcast.
If your podcast is about how awesome your business/product/service is or how great you are at what you do, then why would anyone listen?
A podcast is a fun easy way to grow your business traffic online.
Podcasting is a great way to get customers to know, like and trust you. They can help build your brand and increase your reach. If you are looking for a way to grow your businesses traffic then this may be the answer. By creating an informative podcast that solves problems and provides valuable information to your audience will help build trust and loyalty between them and your business.